Personalized functional medicine based in Boise, ID

functional medicine

Ok, but how is your approach different?

While conventional medicine runs many laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging studies, most of these tests are geared to only find pathology once it has reached an advanced state. In addition, the information is often only used to “name” or diagnose the patient’s condition, without much thought as to “why” the condition is there. Our treatment approach goes far beyond simply naming a condition and prescribing a drug. Instead, we invest in holistic programs of care that teach our patients how to eliminate physical, chemical and emotional stressors and regain control of their lifestyle.

Our guiding pillars

experience the functional difference


Use a systems-oriented approach to identify the root of the imbalances in the body.


Use the latest diagnostic testing, seek to look for optimal vs. “normal” ranges, and personalize the plan for each patient in context of his/her social determinants.


Sees the body as a whole integrative system and recognizes the interconnections between mind, body, spirit, and environment and their role in health as a collective.

Patient Centered

Seek to both listen and understand each patient’s individual story, to treat the person as a whole, and not merely the disease.


Respects where patients currently are on their health journeys and advocates patients to be active participants in their health.


Emphasizes patient education so the patient feels empowered to take their health back in to their own hands.


Utilize approaches to limit use of pharmaceuticals and aim to utilize foundational aspects of nutrition, movement, lifestyle changes, and natural supplements.


Based on latest research from peer-reviewed journals uncorrupted by political interests.

Two different approaches

Conventional vs. Functional

Functional medicine focuses on addressing the root cause of health issues by considering the interconnectedness of the body’s systems, while conventional medicine often focuses on treating symptoms with medications or procedures.


Focus on treating acute
symptoms as they arise

Involves a more "one-size-fits-all" approach

Primarily relies on medications
and procedures

Focus on managing symptoms and disease progression

Functional Medicine

Focus on prevention and
achieving optimal health

Empowers patients to take an active role in their health

Integrates a variety of treatment types

Strives to enhance the body's innate healing mechanisms


Diagnostic labs + testing

Lindsey has learned over the years that only certain labs maintain the accuracy and consistency required to provide information that we can trust. She has hand picked several labs across the country that are the best at what they do.

Advanced and Comprehensive labs are completed to evaluate what is keeping your body out of balance affecting your body’s capacity to heal itself. Obtaining comprehensive labs allows a “test don’t guess” methodology and ability to individualize your key needs to avoid wasting money on unnecessary supplementation.

Lindsey has learned over the years that only certain labs maintain the accuracy and consistency required to provide information that we can trust. She has hand picked several labs across the country that are the best at what they do.

Frequently asked Questions

While there are many aspects of functional medicine, at its core, it is an approach to healing that focuses its attention on the cause of disease, not the symptoms.  Careful history, examination and thorough laboratory testing help us uncover dysfunctions. Functional medicine desires to understand how genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors combine to create the unique manifestations of a patients illness and then treatment programs are created to address each person’s unique bio-chemistry and goals.

While conventional medicine runs many laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging studies, most of these tests are geared to only find pathology once it has reached an advanced state. In addition, the information is often only used to “name” or diagnose the patient’s condition, without much thought as to “why” the condition is there.  Our treatment approach goes far beyond simply naming a condition and prescribing a drug.  Instead, holistic programs of care that teach our patients how to eliminate physical, chemical and emotional stressors and regain control of their lifestyle.

One of the hallmarks of functional medicine is its emphasis on patient individuality. While two people may have the same symptoms, their underlying causes may be quite different. In addition, other factors in their history may either slow or speed up the healing process. The vast majority of our patients feel improvement within the first month of care but realize that it will often take months for complete resolution of the problem.

Occasionally a person will have recently been tested by another practitioner and Lindsey can use those test results as a basis for your health restoration program.  That being said, most traditional medical tests are not designed to show subtle underlying functional problems.  The lab tests that we routinely order are specifically designed to help Lindsey tailor a program to your individual needs and eliminate all “guess work” in your case.

The specific number of lab tests that will be recommended is based on your unique health situation. Typically 2-4 tests will be suggested for you during your initial consultation.

The timeline for lab test reporting depends on the specific test and each lab but the majority of test results are sent to our office within 2-4 weeks.

Practitioner Lindsey will personally review your lab results and correlate them with your history and your consultation in order to create your personalized health restoration protocol.

The saliva, urine, stool and food allergy tests are ordered through very specific functional medicine labs that only deal directly with physicians. The blood testing profiles are ordered through LabCorp and your medical physician may be able to order the same tests but they will require that you first set up an appointment with them and they may not want to order the same panel of tests that we need, thus delaying the start of your care significantly.